
class slackbot.SlackBot(token)

Bases: object

Slack web client to build a python slack bot.

Slackbot is a simple wrapper around basic API calls to slack API. Instantiation needs an environment variable storing the connexion token. When initiating a Slackbot instance, the bot id is read from slack API and stored as attribute.


token – name for environment variable storing slack application token

  • client – the slack web client instance with which API calls are made
  • mention_regex – a regex to identify a direct mention in a text
  • id – the bot’s id
static closing_time(closing_hour: str, rtm_client=None) → None

Close an RTM client if the current hour is later than the given closing hour.

  • closing_hour (str) – hour after which RTM client must be stopped. Must be in HH:mm string format
  • rtm_client (slack.RTMClient()) – The RTM client to stop (see above to see usage)
mention_regex = '<@(|[WU].+?)>(.*)'
static parse_mention(message_text, regex) → tuple

From a message, find and extract a mention and the related text.

Result is a length-two tuple of the form (user_id, text). If no mention is found in the message, the result is (None, text).

  • message_text (str) – the body of a message
  • regex (regex) – the regex identifying a mention. Using SlackBot.mention_regex will usually suffice
send_message(channel, message) → None

Immediate wrap around slack.WebClient.chat_postMessage()

users_list() → list

Get the list of non-deleted users.

A wrapper around slack.WebClient.users_list. It returns a flat list of dictionaries, with keys name, id and email. id is used to tag people in messages with the syntax <@%s> % id.